Talk Of Real Estate Town: Word Of Mouth Marketing Done Right

Word of mouth marketing is regarded as a traditional form of marketing, which continues to command, even in the modern world. It’s essentially a process that actively influences and encourages discussion about a certain brand, event, or organization, prompting people to spread the word about the messages conveyed.

Simply put, word of mouth marketers exhaust all means to create something that generates buzz, which then compels people to encourage, discuss, and ultimately, solidify an image.

Bear in mind that people thrive on referrals and recommendations, especially since they trust their friends and family when it comes to purchasing decisions. In other words, word of mouth allows your brand—especially in real estate—to be remembered. It drives a chain that grants you continuous leads, traffic, and sales.

Various businesses spend millions of dollars on marketing alone, eager to capture the attention of new customers. Unfortunately, many overlook the importance of an already existing user base—your main channel of word of mouth.

Nothing quite comes close to the power of word of mouth—and here’s how to get it right:

Strategy #1: Make sure your content is as unique as possible


The real estate market is highly competitive, and it can be difficult to get things right. You’ll need to cut through the noise to make a name, so it’s highly vital to create unique content. You can opt to craft well-planned podcasts, which makes your brand easier to go viral. Having a blog and social media accounts will also help, but it’s also important to remember that some of your audiences will likely want to work with an industry leader.

With a podcast, you’ll be able to address issues and other difficulties surrounding the industry. You’ll eventually create an image of an expert, a professional they can listen to. From there, you can craft supplemental resources, such as webinars, eBooks, and so much more.

Strategy #2: Develop a sustainable social media presence

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As previously mentioned, it also pays to invest in a strong social media presence. Going viral can almost be impossible without the help of the internet, so take some time to become active on social media. In doing so, you’ll reach online communities that connect billions of people, which includes the social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

You’ll want to choose one that best suits your needs, however. Do you plan on creating long-form content, or perhaps visual graphics? Do you prefer supplementing your podcast episodes, or perhaps creating an image of wisdom and witness? Whatever you wish to work on, decide on a single and crucial platform—the rest will follow.

Strategy #3: Harness the power of comments


Unknown to many, word of mouth marketing succeeds due to a crucial element: comments. Disregarding them can hurt your chances of success, so make sure to pay attention to what people have to say. It’s best to filter them out, however, as people on the internet tend to lean towards unconstructive criticism.

You’ll want to spend time weeding out what helps and what doesn’t, and the efforts will be well worth it—so long as you tread carefully. Only answer those that spark informative discussions—the goal is to always provide value!

Becoming The Talk Of Town

The strategies listed above may seem rather straightforward, but it’s always the simple ones that get overlooked—and more often than not, generate the most value. As you come up with word of mouth strategy plans, you’ll want to focus on something that cannot be replicated—your goals and values as a company. Viral content spreads quickly, and you need to make sure you’re conveying the right message. Ultimately, you’ll want meaningful connections to drive results.

If you’re interested in real estate hiring opportunities in Davison, Smith Street Homes has you covered. We are a real estate agency dedicated to helping clients make the most of their investments. To do so, we need capable team members, all dedicated to growth.

Up for the challenge? Reach out to us today to learn more.